Friday, August 27, 2010

The Lord's Renown

Today was another day in my P90x workouts. I did legs and back. For the first time ever since I started this program, I started to get a sick. So I didn't push myself as hard today. I didn't give myself enough time to eat something before and I think that may be why I started to get a little sick. But I made it through and I'm glad I did. I did 80 pull ups today, so I am slowly increasing the number of reps I do each week. That is pretty fun to see. I can't believe I'm almost done with week #3. Tomorrow is Kenpo which I cannot wait to do!! Then on Monday I start week #4 which is my first recovery week. That will be something new and I'm excited to see what all I get to do next week!

For my devotional thought today, I wanted to share Isaiah 26:8, "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." The word renown isn't something we hear very often. "Renown" means a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored; fame. I learned tonight that Isaiah 26:8 is the vision of the Passion Movement started by Louie Giglio. Passion seeks to inspire a generation to live for something greater than themselves, specifically the glory of God. How many of us seek to live for something greater than ourselves? How many of us can say that's God's name and His Renown are the desire our hearts? I don't know about you, but I want to live for something greater than myself. I want to live for the glory of God. I want His Name and His Renown to be the desire of my heart. I want to make Him famous all over the world. As followers of Christ, we need to uphold the Lord's renown and make His name famous. Matt Redman wrote "All Over the World" back in 2005 for the Passion '05 Conference. This song is all about the Lord's Renown. I want to leave you with the lyrics and if you don't have this song or any of the songs from Passion, I would encourage you to buy them. The songs are incredible and uplifting.

"All Over the World"- Matt Redman

Even as the world began
the stars they sang and all the angels
shouted for joy
shouted for joy
And looking back through history
Your people they have always had
A song they must sing
A song they must sing

We are the people of God
We'll sing your song
Here on the earth

All over the world Your song will resound
All over the world Your praises ring out
We're living to see You're name and renown
All over the world

Young and old, near and far
there's a place for every heart to
join in your song
join in your song
And every nation, tribe and tongue
come together join as one
give glory to God
glory to God

We are the people of God
We'll sing Your song
Here on the earth

All over the world Your song will resound
All over the world Your praises ring out
We're living to see You're name and renown
All over the world

Great is Your name
And great will be Your song
We lift up our hands and pray
We lift up our hands and pray
for Holy is Your name

Your name, Your renown, are the desire of our souls,
Your fame, Your glory, Your song,
for You alone are God, You alone.

Something to think about...

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