Monday, August 9, 2010

Extreme Fitness & Extreme Faith

So today I started day 1 of P90x. I worked out chest, back and abs! The good news is I survived, but I know that it is going to be really intense. I'm sure I will feel it all tomorrow! I don't remember the last time I did that many push ups and actually I'm not sure I've ever done that many push ups in one setting. I've discovered I really enjoy chin ups and pull ups! Never thought I'd say that...haha! I am very pumped up about it and look forward to the journey! Tomorrow is Plyometrics and I have absolutely no idea what to expect! It should be fun though.

As I posted yesterday while I'm going through P90x, I will also be going through a book. Well, I've decided what book I'll be reading and reviewing here on my blog. I've chosen to read a book entitled, Radical, Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt. It's the perfect book to go along with P90x because it's extreme and so is P90x. In his book Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences. It is a very challenging book from what I have heard but, I look forward to challenging my thinking and deepening my faith. I'll be posting my thoughts and give an overview of each chapter!

My daily devotions come from a book called Voices of the Faithful. Today's entry was called "An Unexpected Change". The entry was about missionaries in Central Asia having the opportunity to share the Gospel with 13 muslim men. The thing that caught my attention was the scripture at the very end. It's Romans 10:14b, "How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard?" The reason this verse caught my attention was because it falls so perfectly in line with the book Radical. I learned that there are 6,000 people groups who have virtually no access to the Bible or a church. Platt says we have an obligation to share the Gospel with the Unreached because their knowledge of God is only enough to damn them to hell; because the grace of God is powerful enough to save them for heaven; because the plan of God warrants the sacrifice of His people (Romans 10:12-15); because the Son of God deserves the praise of all peoples (Romans 16:25-27). I've been challenged by this verse and have come to realize it is my duty to share the Gospel with those who have never heard of Jesus. Remember this, "The Gospel is only good news if it gets there on time," David Platt.

Something to think about......

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