Sunday, September 12, 2010

On the DL....

Well, I am officially on the DL and for those of you who don't know baseball lingo, that means the disabled list. I babysit for an orthopedic surgeon and he looked at my ankle tonight. I not only sprained my ankle, but I managed to sprain it on both sides which isn't the norm. The good news is that I didn't tear any ligaments, just strained them pretty good! So I of course asked him about working out. I can ride a stationary bike, swim and I'm allowed to lift weights. I just can't do any running. I won't be able to run for 3 more weeks. So I'm trying to figure out how P90x will work with a sprained ankle. I am going to continue doing P90x, but I will only do the exercises that work my upper body. I'll continue to rest my ankle and do everything I'm supposed to do for it. I will blog about my work out tomorrow and also post my thoughts on Chapter 2 of Radical! Stay tuned for updates!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Sprained Ankle....

So this past weekend I was in Clearwater for my best friend, Kristina's wedding. I had the best time. By the end of the weekend all of the bridal were good friends! We made some awesome and quite hilarious memories. I am so honored that I was able to be part of Kristina and Matt's special day! I love them both and would not have missed this for anything! That is why my blog has been pretty quiet for the past couple of days. After the wedding I went over to Treasure Island to spend some time with my parents and Mama Jo! It was awesome and I can't wait to go back! I love my Mama Jo, she is my Florida grandmother! My parents came back yesterday and I stayed another night with Mama Jo. We just hung out on the couch and watched tv. It has been a fabulous Labor Day weekend and I didn't want to go back to work today.

This week marks the start of week #5 in P90x. However, over the weekend I managed to somehow sprain my right ankle. I wish I had a good story of how it happened, but I honestly I have no idea. It's bruised and all swollen which is not okay. I am hobbling around like I'm 80...haha! So needless to say I was less than enthusiastic when I realized this would definitely hamper my workouts this week. Since I am now injured I am still going to workout, but I will only be doing the workouts that don't require me to workout my legs. That means that plyometrics, yoga, legs (of legs & back) and kenpo are all out this week. I will be working out chest, shoulders and triceps tomorrow along with abs! Today also marks Day 30!!! Woohoo...I'll be taking pictures tonight and I cannot wait to compare them to my before pictures! Despite this minor set back, I will not give up and I will finish P90x! Also be looking for my review on Chapters 2-3 of Radical this week too! I hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Not Giving Up

Yesterday I started Week #4 which is my Recovery week. On the agenda for day 1 of my recovery week was Yoga. I have to say I had absolutely no desire to do this at all. Even though I didn't want to do it, I perservered and made it through yoga! I'm glad that it's over for the week! Today was a new workout, Core Synergistics. Oh my, this was hard and my core was worked a lot. Tony has you do all kinds of things like banana, super man, the Dreya roll and so many more. I really enjoyed this workout and I'm looking forward to doing it again Thursday. I love how working out is making me feel!

My devotional today comes from Hebrews 13:16, "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." The title of my devotional today was Not Giving Up. The story was about how we can't convince people to believe in Jesus. Even though we can't convince people to believe in Jesus, it is still our responsibility to share the Gospel with unbelievers. That's what this verse in Hebrews is talking about. Sharing the gospel may not always go over well with people, but we are not to neglect it, we are to share it. When we do we are pleasing God! I hope this encourages you to keep on sharing the Gospel with those who have not heard the Gospel before.

Something to think about...